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Fermentation Lock Supplies

Fermentation locks and supplies for any home brewing project. Shop jars, airlocks, fermentation kits, lids, bungs, bottles, growlers, and buckets. If you are ready to ferment vegetables or make your own sauerkraut we have all the supplies you need. Retrofit Mason jar lids to let CO2 escape while keeping your ferment free of unwanted mold and particles. Use stoppers and bungs to make a fermentation vessel out of any bottle. Top both small batches in glass jars and big batches in food grade buckets or crocks with an airlock. Pick up individual items to make a DIY fermenter or purchase a kit with all the parts and instructions you need. We've got flip top glass bottles and glass growlers for storing and transporting your fermented probiotic creation.

Mason Jar Airlocks

3 Piece Airlock
3 Piece Airlock & Stopper

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ID#: orhfe475fe370
Bubble Airlock
Bubble Airlock & Stopper

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ID#: orhfe475fe371
Regular Mouth Mason Jar Stopper
#13 Regular Mason Jar Bung

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ID#: orhfe475
Pickle Pipes
Pickle Pipes

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ID#: OrhDIY300

Airlocks, Bungs, Grommets and Caps

3 Piece Airlock
3 Piece Airlock

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ID#: orhfe370
Bubble Airlock
S Shaped Bubble Airlock

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ID#: orhfe371
Regular Mouth Mason Jar Stopper
#13 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe475
Jar Stopper
#10 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe470
Rubber Stopper with Hole
# 7.5 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe450
Rubber Bung with Hole
# 6.5 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe430
Rubber Bung with Hole
# 6 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe420
Rubber Bung with Hole
# 5 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe415
Rubber Bung with Hole
# 3 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe410
Rubber Bung with Hole
# 2 Rubber Stopper With Hole

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ID#: orhfe405
Airlock Grommet
Airlock Grommet

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ID#: orhfe349

Flip Top Glass Bottles and Glass Growlers

Amber 32oz Growler
Amber 32oz Growler

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ID#: orhb337
Amber Growler
Amber 60oz Growler

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ID#: orhgl515
Swing Top 2 Liter Amber Palla Growler
Swing Top 2 Liter Amber Palla Growler

Out of Stock

ID#: orhgl518
Kombucha Glass Bottles
Kombucha Glass Bottles

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ID#: orhb350
Glass Growler
64oz Glass Growler

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ID#: orhb365
Glass Bottle With Stopper
Glass Bottle With Stopper

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ID#: orhb352

Wine Bottles

750ml Green Wine Bottle
750ml Green Wine Bottle

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ID#: orhb380

Fermentation Tools - Beer and Wine Making Tools

50ml Measuring Cylinder
50ml Measuring Cylinder
Designed to measure small liquid amounts with precision

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ID#: orhmt636b
Floating Thermometer
Floating Thermometer
Provides firm temperature control for your brewing needs

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ID#: orhmt400
Triple Scale Hydrometer
Triple Scale Hydrometer
Ideal for determining the alcohol percentage of your home brewed spirits

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ID#: orhmt300
Mason Jar Fermentation Weight
Mason Jar Fermentation Weight
Fits seamlessly into standard wide-mouth mason jars

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ID#: Oglassweight

Beer and Wine Making Ingredients

Campden Tablets
Campden Tablets
Ensure quality and safety in your home brewed beers and wines

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ID#: orhad525
Fermentis Safale US 05 Yeast
Fermentis Safale US 05 Yeast
Clean malt taste that many home-brewers desire

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ID#: orhdy26
Fermentis Safale 04 Dry Yeast
Fermentis Safale 04 Dry Yeast
An excellent choice for highly hopped beers

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ID#: orhdy25
Nottingham Yeast
Nottingham Yeast
Exceptional performance with dry, neutral-tasting beers

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ID#: orhdy40
Green-White Premier Classique Yeast
Green-White Premier Classique Yeast
The preferred choice for sweet wines

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ID#: orhdyw40
Red Premier Classique Yeast
Red Premier Classique Yeast
The strain of choice for red-wine lovers

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ID#: orhdyw30
Yellow Premier Classique Yeast
Yellow Premier Classique Yeast
The perfect choice for neutral, dry wines

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ID#: orhdyw05

Fermentation Airlock Knowledge Base

Types of Fermenting Lids

Fermenting lids are airlocks that incorporate water to achieve a one-way value. The lock lets gas escape the fermentation vessel while keeping oxygen that will ruin any ferment out. Your chances of a healthy and delicious ferment increase the better you keep out oxygen. For wine and beer brews it is standard to incorporate a liquid airlock. It is a good idea to invest in liquid airlock lids for consistent mold free and nutritious results.

1. Ceramic water-sealed crocksa are one of the oldest ways humans achieved this.

Water Fermentaiton Crock

2. Airlocks like these also use water as the seal. Airlocks can be filled with water or alcohol. With these airlocks small batches of vegetables can be fermented in glass jars. Airlocks are a sure-fire way to make a safe and healthy fermented food. Liquid airlocks keep mold and contaminants out. Select from a three piece airlock or an s shaped airlock.

Types of Fermenting Lids

3. Yes, fermentation can be done with no liquid airlock. Use a clean towel as the lid and secure it with a rubber band. Because this increases your risk of contaminating your ferment, keeping the area clean and sterile is paramount for success.

How does an airlock work?

An airlock is a device you can make yourself or purchase that allows gases of fermentation escape while preventing oxygen from entering. Oxygen spoils the anaerobic fermentation process. An airlock is a one-way valve.

Types of Fermenting Lids

What is an airlock lid?

An airlock lid is a lid placed on a glass container (frequently a jar or growler) that allows gasses of anaerobic fermentation to escape while keeping oxygen out. Airlock lids can be bought or made at home and frequently use water to create the one way valve.

How to make a fermentation lock

Fermentation locks allow gas to escape without outside air oxygen entering. The pressure inside of the fermentation vessel is a product of the bacteria and yeast as sugar is consumed. The more effectively oxygen is sealed from the container the greater likelihood of a healthy and delicious ferment. Wine, beer, alcohol, kombucha tea, sauerkraut, kimchi, and other living fermented foods with probiotics are created through this process. To ensure there is no spoilage you can make an airlock lid that doesn't allow oxygen to get in. An airlock lid is optional but handy if you don't want to babysit your ferment. The essential Items you need to make your own fermentation lock 1. Airlock - Try s shaped airlocks or three piece airlocks.

How to make a fermentation lock

2.Food safe grommet or rubber stopper - A food safe grommet must be attached to an airtight canning jar lid or bucket lid.

make a fermentation lock

The stopper usually fits into the top of a regular mouth jar or glass growler.

How to make a fermentation lock on a bucket lid

This (above) is a food safe grommet inserted into an airtight gamma-seal bucket lid. To get the grommet into the lid you need a 7/16" drill bit. Drill the hole and pop in the grommet.

3. Regular mouth jars can be easily retrofitted with a #10 stopper and airlock. To make a wide mouth jar into an airlock you'll need a lid, an airlock grommet, a 7/16" drill bit, and the airlock. Just drill a hole into the wide mouth lid and pop in the grommet.

Types of Fermentation Vessels

Types of Fermentation Vessels

Glass jar
Glass growlers
Ceramic crocks
Food grade 5 gallon buckets
Fill the vessel with your ferment (check out our fermented brussel sprout recipe!). Make sure vegetables are in submerged underwater.

Do I have to keep cap on airlock during fermentation?

The cap helps keep pests like fruit flies out of the water in your airlock. If you have lost your cap don't worry your ferment will still work. Remember to sanitize and clean the airlock before use.

Do I have to keep cap on airlock during fermentation

Why did my ferment explode?

CO2 gas is released as the vegetable, beer, wine, kombucha, or mead ferment is digested in a chemical reaction to make the best drinks and probiotics.

Sometimes the CO2 gas buildup is so strong the lid or airlock will explode off. An explosion is common if your airlock gets clogged and gas cannot escape. It's important to keep airlocks clean. The s-shaped airlocks are more prone to clogging but can be cleaned out with a airlock brush . It's a good idea to store ferments in an area that is easily cleaned. This is especially true if you're brewing beer.

Sometimes a ferment will explode even if the airlock is clean. This just means there's not enough air in your fermentation vessel to allow for the CO2 gas expansion before it slowly bubbles out. Try adding more air next time.

DIY fermentation bucket

Supplies you need:
Food grade plastic bucket and lid
1/4" drill bit and drill
Plastic grommet
Airlock (3 piece or s-shaped)

DIY fermentation bucket

To make your own fermentation bucket use a 7/16" drillbit to make a snug hole in the lid of the bucket. Insert the plastic airlock grommet and place the airlock into the hole. Now you're ready to fill the bucket with your ferment. Once your ferment is inside secure the lid and fill the airlock with water and let the natural fermentation do its thing. Easy!

Best fermented foods for probiotics

When it comes to probiotic health it is less about the quantity of singular veggie probiotics in each ferment and more about ingesting a diversity of probiotic fermented food. The more colors you incorporate into your diet the better. To get the best probiotic benefits get creative and make small batches of lots of vegetable types. Below are three recipes we like to keep in our kitchen. Try making purple sauerkraut.

Make Your Own Sauerkraut

  • 2 heads of purple cabbage
  • Salt
  • Pounding tool
  • Bowl
  • 1/2 gallon mason jar
  • Rinse the cabbage and cut into small pieces
  • Place the cabbage into a large bowl and cover with 2 tablespoons of salt
  • Pound the cabbage to release the water. The salt helps in this process.
  • Stuff the cabbage into your mason jar and ensure there is enough water to completely submerge the cabbage. If you need to add more water that's okay.
  • Add weights, lid and airlock.
  • Wait. We usually wait a week or two for the fermentation to complete. Keep an eye on your ferment to make sure the asparagus stays submerged. Any food not fully underwater is likely to mold and ruin your whole batch.
  • Refrigerate. The ferment chills our once refrigerated and keeps for about 10 months.

Make Your Own Sauerkraut

Fermented Asparagus

We love asparagus and just by itself is full of health benefits. We decided to ferment it with garlic and it was so delicious fermented asparagus has become a staple in our home.

Asparagus is a superfood. It is loaded with vitamins A, C, E and K. There are loads of trace minerals and micronutrients too. Chromium, found in asparagus aids in the ability for insulin to transport glucose from the bloodstream to the cells. Rich in glutathione this detoxifying compound breaks down cancer causing particles and other harmful compounds. The antioxidants in asparagus slow down the aging process and helps keep the brain healthy.

Couple that with the healthy bacteria produced during the fermentation process and that why we rave about eating fermented pickled asparagus!

How to make fermented asparagus
You will need
  • 1 regular mason jar and airlock lid
  • Salt
  • Water
  • 1-2 bunch(es) of asparagus
  • 2 heads of Garlic
  • Mustard seed (optional)
  • Thyme (optional)
Fermented Asparagus

  • Wash and cut asparagus so the spears will fit nicely inside your mason jar. You want to leave at least 1/2" space at the top to prevent from exploding
  • Peel garlic
  • Pack your jars with asparagus and garlic. Add some mustard seed and Thyme for extra flavor. About 1 teaspoon of each.
  • Make brine mixture boiled with 1 tablespoon of salt. Boiling helps dissolve the salt.
  • When the water is close to room temperature pour the solution over the asparagus so that the spears are completely covered.
  • Add weights, lid and airlock.
  • Wait. We usually wait a week or two for the fermentation to complete. Keep an eye on your ferment to make sure the asparagus stays submerged. Any food not fully underwater is likely to mold and ruin your whole batch.
  • Refrigerate. The ferment chills our once refrigerated and keeps for about 10 months.

How to Make Fermented Asparagus

Fermented Brussel Sprouts

You will need
  • Brussel sprouts
  • One regular mouth mason jar
  • Salt
  • 1 Head of Garlic
  • Airlock lid
Fermented Brussel Sprout Supplies

  • Rinse and prepare brussel sprouts by removing outer leaves. Peel 1 cloves from one head of garlic.
  • Make brine solution with 2 tablespoons of salt boiled in water
  • Pack mason jar with brussel sprouts and garlic

  • Fermented Brussel Sprouts

  • Pour brine solution into mason jar so garlic and brussel sprouts are submerged.
  • Add weights and airlock lid.
  • Wait. We usually wait a week or two for the fermentation to complete. Keep an eye on your ferment to make sure the vegetables stay submerged. Any food not fully underwater is likely to mold and ruin your whole batch.
  • Refrigerate. The ferment chills our once refrigerated and keeps for about 10 months.

Fermented Brussel Sprouts