Garden Stakes - Red Hill General Store
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Garden Stakes

Invite guests into your garden, or welcome them to your home, deck, patio, dock, or other outdoor area with one of Achla's handpainted welcome stakes. Mark off, define or call special attention to areas in your flowerbed or garden with Achla's oversized garden stakes. The rustic finish of these stakes contrasts well against garden foliage.
Please note: We cannot ship this item to Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico or Canada

Achla PYP01 Multi Purpose Anchoring Pins
Achla PYP01 Multi Purpose Anchoring Pins
Price: $15.19
Manufacturer Model Number: PYP-01
UPC: 719908111489
Achla Oval Herb Markers
Achla Oval Herb Markers
Product is available in multiple sizes and/or colors

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