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Ginseng Seeds

American Ginseng Seeds
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American Ginseng Seeds    American Ginseng Plant

100 Ginseng Seeds


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1/8lb (Approx. 600 Seeds)


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1/4lb (Approx. 1200 Seeds)


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1/2lb (Approx. 2500 Seeds)


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Planting ginseng in the fall forest feels like giving back to the earth, a quiet gesture of hope and patience. As the leaves turn golden and the air cools, you press the seeds into the soil, knowing they'll sleep through the winter, gathering strength to grow. It's a moment of connection with nature's cycles, a reminder that some things flourish with time and care, just like relationships and dreams.

When planting ginseng seeds, it's essential to choose a location that mimics their natural habitat. Look for a shady area in a hardwood forest, where the soil is rich, well-drained, and slightly acidic. The ideal spot would have a canopy of trees like maple, beech, or hickory, providing dappled sunlight.

Once you've found the perfect place, prepare the soil by removing any debris and loosening it with a rake. Scatter the seeds evenly, spacing them about six inches apart, and gently press them into the soil with your fingers, ensuring they're covered with about an inch of leaf litter. This layer acts as a natural mulch, protecting the seeds through the winter months. With time and patience, you'll find that the forest rewards your efforts, as the ginseng slowly takes root and thrives.

Ginseng seeds require two cold periods of below 45 degrees over ninety days long before they will sprout. These seeds have had their first cold period (last winter) and by planting now they will get their second cold period this winter and will sprout in the spring.

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