Syrup Tap - Tree Spile


(Set of 6 Taps)

There's nothing like the liquid gold of maple syrup boiled down from a syrup tap. Our tree spiles are available in one stainless steel spike with hook or a six pack of hookless aluminum syrup taps. Make sweet memories that will last a lifetime!
Tapping maple trees (or any tree for that matter) to make maple syrup using a syrup tap is quite simple. It just requires a little patience and tapping into nature.
Instructions for hookless syrup tapsThis 7/16" Hookless Aluminum Spout is used to collect sap from a Maple Tree. With this spout you will need a Sap Sack Holder and a Sap Sack
Use a cordless drill and a 7/16" high speed bit to drill your hole at a slight angle upward. Drill each hole approximately 2 to 2-1/2" deep. Clean out any excess sawdust left behind by drilling the hole.
Use a tapping hammer to "tap" the Hookless Aluminum Spout into the hole. Be sure to stop tapping when the spout becomes snug. Be sure not to pound it in too far as it will split the bark and you will have a leaky hole.
Here your spout is ready for the Sap Sack Holder and Sap Sack. Be sure the "shark fin" on the spout is pointing upward as this is what the Sap Sack Holder hooks to.
Instructions for Stainless Steel Tree Spile and Hook can be found here: